Linda 26th November 2021

❤️ How will heaven be? As far as I can see It will have huge bells And will be situated on clouds It will have many golden wells That will so often swell Rain will be abundant Angels will play on the harp The sweetest summer song Music that will touch the heart While those beneath will shed drops of sorrow Little will they know what will happen on the morrow But to them up above As plain and clear it will be As far as far as I can see Yes there will be misty alleys And lush green meadows Fresh with the fragrant smell of spring Winter will never be bitter Summer never so hot Autumn never so bare And resources never so scarce Food for all will be relished by all. Grateful we’ll be as grateful can be Mountains high and strong and brown Surrounding that hidden land, Beautiful and vast seas I see There colour as blue as sapphire can be And the white waves lashing upon the shore Sitting on the flattened grey rocks Who would not call it absolutely heavenly However it might actually be, But can we still not see There will lie behind this seen A relieving feeling of bliss For where not have we been But is this not by all believed That after one’s decease This is the land of eternal peace Where we all ultimately reach..❤️